Source code for pymccrgb.classification

""" Utilities for updating classifcation of point clouds """

from sklearn.kernel_approximation import RBFSampler
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

    "n_components": 100,
    "gamma": 0.01,
    "alpha": 0.001,
    "max_iter": 100,
    "n_jobs": -1,

[docs]def make_sgd_pipeline(X_train, y_train, **kwargs): """ Returns an sklearn Pipeline for SGD classification with an RBF kernel Parameters ---------- X_train: array An n x p array of training examples y_train: array An n x 1 array of training labels n_components: int The number of RBF components to use (Default: 100) gamma: float The gamma/variance parameter of the RBF kernel (Default: 0.01) alpha: float The penalty parameter of the SGD/SVM classifier (Default: 0.001) max_iter: int The maximum number of iterations to fit the classifier (Default: 100) n_jobs: int The number of jobs to use in fitting the classifier (Default: -1, Use all cores) Any other keyword argument to sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier Returns ------- A trained pipeline composed of an RBF transformer and SGD classifier """ if y_train.ndim == 2: y_train = y_train.ravel() n_components = kwargs.get("n_components", DEFAULT_PARAMETERS["n_components"]) gamma = kwargs.get("gamma", DEFAULT_PARAMETERS["gamma"]) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", DEFAULT_PARAMETERS["alpha"]) max_iter = kwargs.get("max_iter", DEFAULT_PARAMETERS["max_iter"]) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", DEFAULT_PARAMETERS["n_jobs"]) estimators = [ ("rbf", RBFSampler(gamma=gamma, n_components=n_components)), ("clf", SGDClassifier(alpha=alpha, n_jobs=n_jobs, max_iter=max_iter)), ] pipeline = Pipeline(estimators), y_train) return pipeline